Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Reasons Why Motivated People Win in Life & Business

Motivation is not the same as enthusiasm. Enthusiastic people are energized and engaged, but those who are motivated want to achieve goals beyond the level of just being excited. They are committed to working through problems and succeeding in spite of drawbacks and issues that may occur along the...

Friday, March 3, 2017

5 Mental Habits That Will Increase Your Happiness

In the last 20 years, science has learned a lot about the links between spirituality and happiness. Studies on spirituality, specifically on certain spiritual or mental qualities like altruism, generosity, faith, hope and gratitude, have shown repeatedly that they increase our level of physical and...

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Dealing with the Negative People in your Life

There are various people all around with different mindset based on their past or present experiences in their life and based on that they come up for advice or their point on a topic of discussion. So it might be a case that you may fall into a serious discussion or a debate, believe me, that worth...

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Best Ways to Love Yourself More With EFT Tapping

Most of us could do with somewhat more self-esteem. All things considered, if we love ourselves more, we can permit ourselves to accomplish more, we have more self-regard, we can attract people to us that are pulled into the vitality of affection, and we can feel the love says Jonah Robins. What’s...

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Dissolve Your Fear and Anxiety Through EFT Tapping

Are you really facing issues while you are hanging around your friends, family member business partners, and others? This is the time when you are looking out for a mental piece and wish to relax your soul and body for some moment of time? Want to take a break from your busy schedule? Sudden...

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Just Be Yourself- You’re Enough Just As You Are

For many years I tried to be someone that I wasn’t because I thought that if I impressed people that it would bring me the love I always wanted. I tried to be the “funny one”, the “confident one” and even the “nothing bothers me” type. Yet no matter how hard I tried, these persona’s would constantly fail at getting me the love that I desired. Finally, when I learned to heal my insecurities...

Saturday, November 5, 2016

How Do I Meditate ?

In this video, Jonah Robins wants to share with you a 100 Day Meditation Challenge that he has undertaken with few of his friends. Also he will share with you a super simple yet powerful way to meditate! These modalities have the potential to quickly and safely address the emotional and body-based roots of problems so that the client can heal themselves. ...