Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Just Be Yourself- You’re Enough Just As You Are

For many years I tried to be someone that I wasn’t because I thought that if I impressed people that it would bring me the love I always wanted. I tried to be the “funny one”, the “confident one” and even the “nothing bothers me” type. Yet no matter how hard I tried, these persona’s would constantly fail at getting me the love that I desired.

Finally, when I learned to heal my insecurities and be myself, did everything changes around receiving love.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

How Do I Meditate ?

In this video, Jonah Robins wants to share with you a 100 Day Meditation Challenge that he has undertaken with few of his friends. Also he will share with you a super simple yet powerful way to meditate!

These modalities have the potential to quickly and safely address the emotional and body-based roots of problems so that the client can heal themselves.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Improve Your Relationships- 4 Part Webinar Series

Are you struggling to attract the right partner for you? Do you keep picking the wrong person every time? Or are you struggling in your current relationship? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the webinar series for you!

Jonah Robins

Join relationship expert and coach Jonah Robins for a 4 part webinar series on improving your relationships. In this course, Jonah is going to teach you powerful tools that will help you to:

  • Attract your ideal partner
  • Move through your blocks to taking action
  • Personalize a system for communication 
  • Identify what you truly want in a relationship  
  • Work through the stress of dating
  • Stop attracting the same old types of relationships 
  • And so much more! 

This webinar will be limited to 10 people and if you sign up before October 31st you will recieve a free 1 on 1 coaching session with Jonah. 

This program will truly equip you with the tools you will need to improve your current relationship, attract a new relationship, or get out in the dating world once again.

Organiser of Improve your Relationships- 4 part webinar series

Jonah Robins is one of the leading transformational coaches in the country and offers a unique blend of meridian tapping techniques, meditational practices and TRE (Tension and Trauma Release Exercises).  These modalities have the potential to quickly and safely address the emotional and somatic roots of problems so that the client can heal themselves.